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Not so pro-women after all . . . .

THHA 7 May 23

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At 66 years, i can attest to the clear over-time increase in military spending by all senators, and congressmen, way too often to help the very rich evade all reasonable behaviors. Professed political affiliation has never been a clear factor in categorizing criminals. Who they voted for had no correlation to their rationale for their behavior. They were criminals.

Warmongers in recent history:

These types of people of course are everywhere. Including those who cooperated with the above; Hillary Clinton would have continued the wars that currently exist. Just as Trump did.

Those who have the most weapons are in control of most of the world's governments. And too many of the rest of us depend upon that flow of local money. All the while those that have more than necessary continue to refuse to share. "Greed" is one of the most deadly sins. It is also the one that can do the most good. Always confusing that.


And yet these same "liberals" support the oppression of muslim women, in the US, who must cover themselves head to toe, while the men wear t-shirts and shorts. Hypocrisy anyone?

You fall for this?

@AlPastor . . . Look around. See the covered women and girls, and the comfortable men and boys. That is oppression. It is clearly anti-women, anti-equal rights. I stand against that kind of evil. You?

@Jacar Anti-choice is a conservative value. I'm opposed to illiberal men and cultures that force their will upon women. You?

@AlPastor . . Thank you. exactly my point.

Your point was a ridiculous "both sides" claim that fails under any scrutiny.


It is a fair assessment unfairly written as an attack only on democrats in a country with a two party system. One, with any semblance of intelligence, would know that attacking only one party (giant bold letters and, yes, small print "both" parties later, but no mention of republicans) gives the impression the other party is good, at least to much of the American viewing public. Find a better way to tell the Democrats your disdain - this works siny as an ad for the party that initiated the two endless wars and looks to start further conflict.

"It is a fair assessment unfairly written as an attack only on democrats in a country with a two party system."

"US policy that profits from war & destruction that is supported by BOTH parties."

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