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Have you ever been scolded on your own birthday by your parenta? Well, today I just got scolded by my father because I didn't want to go to church.

The story went like this, I was out with friends when he called me at about 4pm(it's around 9pm here already when I made this post.) He called to tell me that we are going to church, I told him that I don't want to and he just forced me. When I got home I told him one more time that I didn't want to. Then he said "okay I'll go on my own then, since your siblings and your mom are busy. If you change your mind just go there." He didn't sound frustrated or angry for me at all. It sounded like he was okay with it. Then after the mass when he got back home he was all angry and frustrated. After we had dinner at a restaurant, he asked me in an angry voice "Why can't you spare your time to just go to church? You can spend lots of time playing computer and all! Today is your birthday, it's a special day, why can't you just do this for me?" He started arguing with me and getting angrier at me. We were still in the restaurant at that time. It was so painful, he felt hurt because I didn't go to church with him on my birthday. He knows that I'm agnostic. I always go to church with them when they go on their birthdays and on sundays and on my previous birthdays, even if I was already an agnostic. I just wanted a day when I didn't need to go. I thought that I could have just this day since it was my birthday. He felt more hurt than me that he didn't get what he wanted. I don't know if it was selfish of me to ask something like this, I just thought that it was okay. And i also thought that he was okay with it since he gave me the choice not to go to church.

ElbertY 3 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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First of is very mature of you to want to be so considerate of your parents and family...most young men of your age are not ...

maybe when things cool down, you can have a nice calm talk with your dad and give him your side...tell him you are now learning to be an adult and it means your time is valuable as well just as your beliefs...

good luck, young man!

Agreed you handled this situation in a very mature manner.


Anyway, it’s YOUR most special day not Jesus’. He can have his in December


Seems Jesus wants you for a sunbeam! Your dad seems quite the advocate.

Perhaps Jesus should ask you himself instead of hiding behind your father.


Perhaps someone else commented on your absence and that amplified the situation. Usually communication is the best course so when he seems in a decent mood ask to speak to him and honestly tell him how you feel and most importantly listen to his side. You don't have to agree with him but show him you are trying your best to please him but that you really don't want to continue to go to church. It probably will take some time so give him some.

gearl Level 8 May 24, 2019
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