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Seems the Trump admin has approved over $8 billion in arms sales to the ME, bypassing congress, in order to "counter Iranian aggression". $8 billion in blood money to a murderous regime (embassies in Turkey anyone?)
So Trump is arming the ME which is not known for stability or human rights. It is also on Russias doorstep.
Any idiots still think Trump is Putins puppet?

powder 8 May 24

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I'm gonna stop you right there and say, "The reason Putin wanted Trump in office is because he knew he was an easily manipulated tool. Trump has spent his entire time in office cozying up to our enemies while pushing our allies away." Putin has also seen Clinton as an enemy since her time as Secretary of State when she insulted him by calling him out on his dictatorial tactics (he, like Trump, hates it when you tell the truth about him).

So, puppet? Not all the time. But does he value Putin's opinion more than he values his own national security team? Absolutely.

Any idiots care to argue that point?


I think it likely Trump is Saudi Arabia's puppet, as other presidents have been. He is probably also Israel's puppet, like other US presidents. We don't have enough information about how much he might be Russia's puppet, as he has tried to cover up that.

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