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People are not stupid.
People generally are not bad.
They're not intentionally hateful.. even their anger can be explained...
The reason they act the way they do is... ignorance!
Society, media and upbringing play a huge role in perpetuating their ignorance.. with it.. religion, governments and capitalist institutions are the beneficiaries from keeping us in this bliss so they continue leaching on our sweat & blood... while they're busy destroying our life without a second thought.

Neenz 7 May 26

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Umm, people (and this includes me) can & are Incredibly stupid at times...some willfully so! Some, for example willful criminals,are actually bad! Really, scarily bad!
Some are also as hateful as possible, on purpose........rabid white supremacists spring to mind here.
Ignorance is not the "only explanation" of a lot of behavior, and IMO you are handing out a bunch of free passes to people who would never in a million years do that for you, or anybody

We all can say the same thing but dig into the roots through out history.. conditioning is a hard thing to change.. we have been brainwashed over and over.. for you to gain total control you literally have to isolate yourself which defeats the purpose of our unity that we as humans long for

@Neenz I do Not long for unity with a whole bunch of people I will undoubtedly find appalling once I get to know them!

@AnneWimsey yet loneliness not the answer

@Neenz hardly lonely...6th term president of a singles group for over-55's, with close to 100 members.....


Some very interesting perspectives from all of you



Without indepence and individualism, we are living in the chapter of 1984 that states,

"Life, if you looked about you, bore no resemblance not only to the lies that streamed out of the telescreens, but even to the ideals that the Party was trying to achieve. Great areas of it, even for a Party member, were neutral and non-political, a matter of slogging through dreary jobs, fighting for a place on the Tube, darning a worn-out sock, cadging a saccharine tablet, saving a cigarette end. The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering -- a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons -- a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting -- three hundred million people all with the same face."


A lemonade stand run by 12 year olds is a capitalist institution.

Ignorance is just a lack of information. It seems you could use a bit of information about capitalism.

Im here to help.

SCal Level 7 May 27, 2019

How about i give you some lessons in biology history economy and sociology and maybe some chemistry and physics.. I'm here to help.. just let me know 😉


Im all for it! Learning is fundamental.

Thank you.

@BryanLV my pleasure any time 🙂


and we are selfish and happy in our own little bubbles

The funny part we think we fo have choices.. we're only a product of our envirinment.. to be independent for real is almost impossible.. we are my friend set to swim against the current if we choose independence

@Neenz no one is free in this thing we made called society. i am a chameleon as i still have to fit into some crazy rules like swearing on the bible in court. can you imagine if you didnt?

@LeighShelton interesting.. in Canada we have a choice. I chose to not use any when i swore in the court in a case i was a witness

@Neenz i would do it as a witness but i would lie and swear on the bible if it was my arse on the line for sure.

@LeighShelton love this guy

@Neenz one of very few people i choose to look up too xx

@LeighShelton i love it.. the illusion of choices

@Neenz he is the man


While that may be true the results we endure amount to the same things. Being willfully stupid, doing bad things with what they believe are good intentions does nothing to make the things they do less bad. So what is your solution to this mess you describe?

gearl Level 8 May 27, 2019

Yes politicians do not want a population who can think for themselves. That is probably why they are cutting money for education.

@powder Yes, that may be so, but not completely. I know a lot of people who have not attended university and they are not stupid, however if you are not aware of for example that the media is owned by a handful of people around the world you probably believe everything that is written there. Like in Queensland Adani is going to bring thousands upon of jobs.


All very true

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