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While the West bothers itself about Trump and Brexit, the rise of BJP in India must not be overlooked. The traditional dynasties have been obliterated leaving a right wing agenda in the sub-continent. Staunchly nationalistic with particularly anti-Pakistan sentiments and nuclear capability, perhaps the West could focus on a more global affiliation than scrapping in its own backyard within Europe and South America.

Geoffrey51 8 May 27

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India's primogenitor political parties (BJP was cloned from) ... focused on a largely liberal economic policy prioritising globalisation and economic growth over social welfare. ( That political ideology is similar to the US. I think, if we tackle it at home, we would have a better chance to influence abroad.


We should focus on American problems. Let everyone worry about their country. We finance most the undeveloped countries and instead of praising us they keep nagging. Why should we focus on India?

zesty Level 7 May 27, 2019

In principle I agree, but globalisation is now such that all economies and ideologies are linked whether we accept it or not. India is a rising economy as is China. The West is in decline. There has never been a time when global integration is imperative. As the Orient rises again, the Occident will decline. We can’t ignore cycles but we can accommodate them. Integration is possibly the most appropriate response.

@Geoffrey51 I like the idea of weighted globalization. Don't see why you state that the west is in decline. Also, in my view, integration should be proportional.

@zesty observation Zesty. Manufacturing comes out of SE Asia and there is a battle for IT US and China hence the Huawei dispute. Co operation rather than competition may be beneficial don’t you think.

Finance you mean you go there and steel their resources.

@Geoffrey51 Free market is based on competition, not cooperation.

@zesty that is true. Doesn’t mean it’ always a good idea though.

@Geoffrey51 Yes, maybe. In my opinion, in general, the advantages of free market overwhelm the disadvantages as long as the government keeps out.

@zesty I agree. Government intervention without external controls is what leads to the destructive elements of extreme left or right such Christian Republicanism and Nationalistic Communism.

@Geoffrey51 Or socialism. Let's don't forget it! Lol

@zesty I guess we need to agree to disagree on our perceptions of Socialism 😎

@Geoffrey51 Sure. Unfortunately the socialists have the interedting habit to send the disagreeing people to concentration camps.

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