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What bones are more possible to find, ...Sasquatch or Gaint Humanoid bones?

Having a friend who is a leading Authority of Sasquatch, I think Sasquatch bones would be more possible to find.

Your thoughts?

Castlepaloma 8 May 28

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Roflmao! Neither!


If they existed as a (current) species, we'd have found them by now. But we haven't found a single bone. Not one. Funny, that.

Maybe humanoid tribes out smarted the
the US Governmentt and are hiding in caves. The US troops claim they actually shot a 15 ft giant humanoid in a cave in Afghanistan. Possible like they did with Bin Laden, the huge trillion dollar man. They must of been doing too much of their own stash of opium. Lol.

@Castlepaloma Most of the caves that they could hide in have already been explored and, like any creature that walks on land, they would leave traces of their passage and presence. Fire pits, discarded bones from dinner, hair samples, footprints, hunting trails, signs of foraging, and (unless they are simply magical, which I doubt) poop. We've found absolutely zip. Not a shred of anything. There is simply no way that's possible. A creature of that size, even solitary, would have a hunting/foraging radius of at least five miles. So, even if it lived in a cave system as of yet unexplored, it would still leave evidence within five miles of a cave in the system. No one has found anything other than easily produced and easily faked footprints. I'm afraid the forensic-anthropological evidence simply doesn't add up.


That covers much of the groundwork. Not to mention hiding a 15 foot man and a mate or tribe to continue his survival. If he ate a sheep or two the Afghans would of hunt him down and killed him themselves. Imagine a BS team of phychopath around a flaming campfire and Poppies.


Goverments tried to ban cannabis and research worldwide, regardless there are more cannabis users than Christains. Between Islam and Christains there are over 4 billion of them and they can't prove their are humanoid giants bigger than 10 feet tall, yet their storybooks are filled with them. Christians claim they gave over 10,000 skeletons of humanoid giants to the Government Smithsonian institution, and Smithsonian got rid of them.

That's it? for humanoid giant research? If I gave 10,000 cannabis plants to the Government, is that the end of all research, when there billions of plants where that came from.

When there are 4 billion people who can't prove of giant humanoid. How come when there is a monopoly of believers in the white house and congress. What are they afraid of,... real scientist. Let ban that, instead of cannabis that is real, natural herb with far greater purposes for the earth future.


If we assume the sasquatch is a currently-undiscovered species of ape, perhaps one in the Homo genus, it's just about possible that bones belonging to one might be found - a species of ape entirely new to science, since named Pongo Tapanuliensis, was discovered as recently as 2017 and we know that other species of Homo existed alongside humans fairly recently. With so many people looking for sasquatch and only very shaky evidence to suggest such an animal exists, it's unlikely but not entirely impossible.

Meanwhile, there is nothing in the fossil record to suggest giant humanoids have ever existed, nor have any "giant" artifacts that may have been created by them ever been found.

Jnei Level 8 May 29, 2019

Makes sense, more possibilities to find an ape-like man Sasquatch than a Son of God humuniod.


To the very best of my knowledge , to date , no Sasquatch bones have been found . This fact is one part of the mysteries about them . Many years ago , I did read an article in National Geographic , about the remains of a Yeti being found . Some very ancinet Yeti remains were in a temple of some kind , and a guide showed the travelers portions of bloody skin with long red hair , which e claimed had been from a Yeti .

"Bloody skin"???? After decades, or even 6 weeks? Not likely!


I actually went out on a blind date with a giant, she was 6'8 not kidding she told me, on her profile, she was 6'.

The word is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles and left untranslated in others. The "sons of God" have been interpreted as fallen angels in some traditional Jewish explanations.

No I mean biblical Giants of 13' to the size of football fields tall humanoids. According to Israelite conquest of Canaan.

In seventh grade , a girl who was much taller than anyone else in the entire school , including all the teachers , was in our school , although not I any of my classes . She was a natural blonde . She looked to me to be of Nordic ancestry . Many years later , I met another enormous young woman , taller than any men I'd met . It was at some kind of party with folks I'd met through a Sci/Fi con . Aside from being huge , she was a very regular nice person . I liked her . Her husband was much shorter than she was .

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