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New meaning of great in ameriKKKa.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Hhhhmmmmmmmmm, could the gun have something, Anything to do with the fact these folks were black? Because you know how scary picnicking black people are.......


It was mississippi and what did you expect many asshole racist there

bobwjr Level 10 May 29, 2019

People like that make me so angry and fearful...glad she got fired...and now she is probably more angry but will never know it was her own fault...she will blame the black family...

My message to her... "You know, One Bullet can End your Pain".

@GipsyOfNewSpain Must be awful to have that kind of fear...not to experience life and all it has to is short, as you know too, eat, sing, and wear good shoes...ha ha my friend, te amo!

@thinktwice Yeah... Life is so short. I was talking to my Daughter who just came back from Puerto Rico. We all have the same composition and yet Racism make us Different. So Stupid!!!!

@GipsyOfNewSpain She had a hard duty to do...I am glad she is safe.

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