2 7

Much too violent, it should be banned.

GeorgeRocheleau 8 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Know I’ve described this before ..but back when there were ‘travel agents,’ my youngest sister was one. Lost track of how many enticement adventures she took, but she also took - and used the roll of ‘warning stickers’ I’d given her from American Atheist

(something like) “Warning - the contents of this book are hazardous to your mental health” Did our part 🙂

Varn Level 8 May 29, 2019

A rollicking yarn of death, destruction, treachery, incest, adultery and other forms of illicit sex, orgies, usury, greed .... in fact all those things that make life interesting. Bound to be a best seller.

(best laugh today 😀)

you pretty well described the motivations/interests & activities of the socio/psychopaths that rule the world.

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