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this is outrageous. a disgrace

Snert 4 June 3

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The guy is a dumb shit and he is comparing apples and oranges. The SEAL was such a scum, his own people turned him in, imagine that - an elite military unit turning in one of their own. Next. The congressman was in artillery and would be sent the coordinates to where he was to aim his fire. Those who chose those coordinates were tasked with reducing civilian life (let's not go into if they really did or didn't for this argument). If, he, as the artillery leader, changed those coordinates without permission, then YES, he is guilty of a war crime. Otherwise, he was fighting a war and doing his job.
Political players have no cause, should be right, to get involved with the military justice system. A group of, supposed to be, non political Naval Captains are deciding the accused's guilt or innocence or degrees of which.
Congressman dickface is just trying to score points with the racist bottom feeders who make up the trumpsterfire base.

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