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Those silly Baptists always starting some shit...

Captain_Feelgood 8 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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The baptist can be quite radical at times. I know as I was raised baptist.

Same here...


What is the cheese with maggots, Or maggot like creatures? That is the cheese for tRump.

Casu marzu is the cheese. And it is illegal to sell in the states, however, I can't see how making it privately could be illegal.

Casu marzu is quite a delicious delicacy from Sardinia I would think Big Daddy T has probably had before in his travels. I was lucky to try some while in Italy, and loved it.

@Captain_Feelgood Ill believe you. I try foods when overseas - except balut. That said, I doubt the prez and his KFC stomach and taco salad loving ways wouldn't find any decent delicacy to his liking.

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