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I like to hang out and read the goofy shit people post on the Xian forums. I typically just get a laugh out of it for myself but this had to be shared.

This is the introductory post of a brand new member.

"I'm a dreamer. I dreamed of things that is to happen in the near future. And it's not looking to promising. Few years ago (7-8 years), I dreamed I was with a angel and the angel showed me what is to happen soon. Fire,wars and chaos. 10 years ago, God send us a Cherub angel (the Ezekiel's cherub angel with 4 faces) at my house. We took many pictures of the cherub and that is true he has 4 faces. (ox, human face, lion and eagle with 5 Hebrew letters on his forehead (human Face)) and he is beautiful. The last 9 years I showed those pictures every morning at the coffee shop near my place and people (travellers across Canada) are amazed. Many ask for pictures but we cannot give away right now. 9 years ago, we had another visit : a beautiful rainbow cloud with the Glory of God in the rainbow, again we have a few pictures that proof to us what was written in Ezekiel was true and real. Thank you. God bless you all."

He's gotten only two replies welcoming him to the boards. That's it. No mention of how unhinged his post is.This is just a more extreme example of the same delusion all religious believers share -- belief is things that aren't real.

There are, of course, no photos attached to the post despite his claims that he took pictures.

Sgt_Spanky 8 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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That's not exactly what Moses meant when he said "I wish all God's people were prophets!"

  • Numbers 11:29.
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