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I am an Agnostic-Atheist. However, I am becoming interested in Wicca. I don't believe that the spirits are gods, but I do believe that there are things that science can't necessarily explain yet, if it ever will.

ErichZannIII 7 Sep 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I was Pagan for many years. I chose Paganism over Wicca, because Wicca’s hierarchical structure wasn’t right for me. What I liked about it was recognizing natural energies/forces.


im beginner wiccan and pagan


Hello. I'm new to this site! I do not think that one can be agnostic and Wiccan, but I'm not Wiccan so I can't be sure myself. As I understand it, Wicca is a duotheistic religion that more or less requires the belief in a God and Goddess. If someone practices witchcraft but is agnostic, people would mostly call them an agnostic witch or secular witch, but probably not Wiccan. You'd probably want to talk to an actual Wiccan to find out more about that particular religion, though - it's not my area of expertise. I have an interest myself, though not really into Wicca or Gardner's work.

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