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What we have here is a depressing and aggravating reality in our society. Something that should have disappeared long ago, but is still with us.


evidentialist 8 Mar 12

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Every civilization has had to deal with how best to acquire and use a labor force. In every instance that labor force was abused and labor laws were enacted. In America have we failed to rectify the slave labor force mentality of the deep south. At one time black slave labor outnumbered the white population in the south and slave enforcement militias were formed. The divide was never healed and Jim Crow laws were finally gotten rid of in 1960!! The number of white christian KKK members may be small but there is a FAKE president trying to rally the troops around these racist ideals. Media exposure, not sweeping it under the rug is important. IMO


Trumpism is resurrecting a lot of creepshows.

Militant nationalism is a particularly disturbing part of it.


If you are not black,why would worry about KKK?

Um ... because it is a hate organization the damages society and makes it less civil so that I wouldn't want to live in it? Because I care about my black friends and neighbors? I don't know, just guessing.

@mordant well,you are the minority.My experience in US,suggests that many people wish if its more active and vibrant openly.

@0752532706 -- As @mordant said, they represent everything negative in this country. Not all of us, not even a majority think like that, but they are a large enough percentage that they are a problem. My not being black has nothing to do with how I feel about my fellow citizens. Also, so you may understand me a bit better, I was largely raised by a black family during my formative years.

@0752532706 The KKK has long been on the fringes of American life, except in certain rural Southern enclaves. It was driven underground in the 1870s and has resurrected more publicly in abreaction to advances in civil rights, in the 1920s and 1960s for example.

It is being re-normalized by the proto-fascist sack of shit currently running this country, and the craven assholes who enable and encourage him, such that they may come to again have an outsized influence in American life. So sure "some" people want the KKK more active, but it's hardly "many".

I see the KKK and similar groups as representing the American "id". The worst angels of our nature. We're better than that. Or used to be, anyway.

I think alot of people once said, if you're not jewish why worry about hitler. That went real well.

@silverotter11 I think he was trying to be facetious. At least I hope so.

@mordant I do take the race card pretty serious THAT said, I still Kathy Giffin got hit too hard for her bloody severed trump head. The difference is a very fine line. I do hope he was being facetious.

@silverotter11 Yeah I was kinda surprised how quickly CNN dropped her from the New Year's festivities the instant that thing came out. My wife said it made it look like they were wanting an excuse to let her go over some other issue that wasn't quite fire-able. Anyway now that Andy Cohen has replaced her I'm sure even fewer Christians are tuning in on New Year's Eve for the gay-on-gay action!

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