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Time to ramble on. First things first. I didn't have my 3 cups of coffee this morning. It's a big mug that holds 3 cups. I can feel it, how my body is drained of energy. How am I going to make it through this evening at the the Pride Night minor league baseball game. Maybe drink some coffee after work. That's a great idea. 4 more hours of work. It has gotten very slow for us, here on the job, locked behind a closed door. Waiting for our reliefs to come busting in. Oh, what a day. Internet is slower than dial-up. Oh, the humanity! Well, I better get back to looking like I am doing some work. Everyone have a great Tuesday!

KITDFOHS 7 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Caffeine and soda free since May of '15, cold turkey too. But never did that hard stuff, coffee, or tea anyways. Hope the game goes well.


I sometimes feel sorry for coffee addicts when they don't get they're fix - until they complaine about not getting thier fix - then I feel sorry for everyone that has to deal with them that day. 🙂

1of5 Level 8 June 11, 2019
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