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I’m chipping white pine branches that came down this winter. Makes great mulch and the yard smells like pine potpourri. 🌲🌲🌲

ADKSparky 8 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I can almost smell it if I close my eyes

It’s like being in a forest


Just finished untangling and tying grapes to their new arbor ...though, scentless, at the moment 😀

Miss the smell of fresh Doug Fir, though.. Now over east, there’s a hardwood mill I’ll slow way down when passing only ‘fresh-cut tree hit.’

Varn Level 8 June 11, 2019

You might be able to grow Doug Fir in Virginia. Maybe too far south for Balsam Fir. Vans Pines is a reliable tree nursery. I think they are in Michigan.

@ADKSparky I’ve wondered about growing both Doug fir and Western red cedar over east, the cedar being my favorite tree… Otherwise, I’m considering a ‘red (purple) bud,’ to replace several native Dogwoods in decline.

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