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If only...
If churches paid taxes.....

St-Sinner 9 June 12

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While you keep voting for politicians who support the Church just for votes, it will always be the same, corruption breeds corruption, they're hand in glove and very rich and comfortable together, after all, who are the poor, neither camp gives a shit who they are as long as they don't have to subsidize them!

Most voters vote by how the church pastors tell them to vote in Southern U.S. States. That is why even a republican dog can get elected there but not a good democrat.


Never ceases to piss me off that churches don't pay taxes.

There is so much wrong around us that you can be pissed off all day. You must find the cheerful side of life. The religions and their ugly side are not going away any time soon.

@St-Sinner Please don't tell me what to do, or how to feel about anything.
Whatever I "must" do, is only for me to decide. I wasn't asking for suggestions.

@KKGator Who would dare? Out of idle curiosity, does the KK stand for KLU KLUX?

That's the best you can do?
Your attempt at insults is abysmal.


It's ironic that they don't pay taxes because the IRS considers them a charity. So if all that money is earmarked for charitable purposes how is the Vatican bank sitting on billions in profits at any given moment? How do televangelists have tens of millions for mansions and private jets?

Every once in awhile they'll put on a bake sale so they can say "Look, we're a charity."


You might tax the income of church employees but churches themselves make no profit to tax. They take donations and a lot of that is generally redistributed to the community. It would be like taxing the Red Cross.

The white IRS inset leads me to think they are talking about all tax exemptions and subsidies (farm subsidies?), not just churches. If so this is yet one more example of someone’s sleazy, dishonest attempt to promote their personal hateful agenda.

Using that logic, if only the IRS paid a 50% tax on the money it takes in we could all retire and live a life of ease and luxury.

Here is more

"churches themselves make no profit"

Scientology, mega churches and their pastors, televangelists, and especially the Catholic Church are raking in the money, hand over foot, they just don't call it profit.

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