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Anyone have examples of a song that seemed to be one thing, but on closer examination was actually about something else. One example if the Police, every breath you take. Evidently this song became "our song" for a lot of couples at the time. I always found it creepy.

David Bowie's China Girl, for me, was one of those songs.

SleepingOnABoat 7 June 16

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China Girl is a great example... I had someone tell me they didn't like Bowie because that one in particular was creepy... completely missing that poetry can be written ironically or sarcastically...and even straight from the evil-doer's perspective and still be a potent statement against them. In "sound-bite" culture, these depths of appreciation are lost.


Anything by Creed. They claim they're all songs, but upon closer examination it's all crap.

1of5 Level 8 June 16, 2019

Rick James "Mary Jane" and D'Angelo's "Brown Sugar" were both
about drugs.

@BeerAndWine I initially included Lucy in the sky but the authors swear it is not about LSD. lol

This is a very positive example. Interestingly, its order on the album comes after a song titled "Salvation" . . . I see it as a very sly attack on religion. This is an outstanding album anyway.
THHA Level 7 June 16, 2019

Got to agree there, The albums start to go downhill a bit after Honky Chateau.

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