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I need to reup my passport so I have the option of leaving the country if things kick up. between mitch and barr blocking investigations of this administration if we do not protest in the streets we are lost.

michaelj 7 June 19

Enjoy being online again!

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The way I see it, most of the terrrible things going on in the country do not really affect my daily life. It is mostly about the stress of thinking about it. And I have the ability to tune it out if I choose to. Also, running away to a different country will not make those issues better. The U.S. will continue it's amoral decline.... while much of its citizenry will chant about being the greatest country on the planet...or of all time...or in the universe....or God's favorite country...or whatever nonsense they make up. Ignorance really is bliss.....why did I have to be born smart? oops...must be time for my meds.


Which country are you looking at going to? There's corruption pretty much everywhere, and the anti-social climate of Scandinavia is more difficult to deal with than one would think.

New zealand


Well......for those who think moving to another country will help, choose carefully. I moved to another country (Australia) and the same shit is happening here. It is soul sucking. What the fuck has happened to us? I think I may have said this once or twice here but I will say it again....WE SEEM TO HAVE LOST OUR EVER LUVIN' MINDS!

There is corruption and similar conflict happening in pretty much any "modern western" country.


Yup necessary action

bobwjr Level 10 June 19, 2019

I'm in favor of protest in the streets. My partner and I have thought about moving to another country too!

I like new zealand


I keep my passport up to date & in my RV, plus a stash of cash.
I also maintain contact with a real estate firm on Cape Breton Island,, so when I get to the border I do not have to get involved in political crap, I can state, "I have an appointment to view a vacation property tomorrow."
Go thou & do likewise......

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