Do you think the rich will make sure Satin is President in 2020?
If Humanity ran for President would they shoot him?
They’ve had their victory ‘against all odds.’ They’re far less responsible for the society that keeps & made them rich … and have a ‘supreme court’ poised to rule in their favor for the foreseeable future. They’ll continue to fund the party that allowed this, but having ‘won’ an unimaginable victory, may choose to lay low, for a bit..
Not a chance, these fuckers won't rest until they have it all
@Tooreen They prefer to stay hidden, and of course well insulated.. They fund battles over ‘social issues’ and fear ‘class warfare’ scenarios. As mentioned above … they’ve recently won big, and have appeared to have the intelligence to back away for awhile because of it. They are not dumb.
Stay angry. If they feel there are crazies out there willing to give their lives to take them out, it makes them think. They are the worst of the worst, coercing the ignorant to vote against themselves... As long as they’ve got ‘FOX,’ and no Fairness Doctrine ..and the ability to pour endless corporate money into campaigns.. they’ll win