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I just found out that I may have a 40 something daughter that I was unaware of.Her mother,whom I dated briefly when we were teenagers died of cancer about 5 years ago.The baby was put up for adoption and never knew her mother or I.I have her email and phone number and plan on contacting her soon.Any ideas on how to approach this?

sloryd 7 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I would tread carefully there. Who know if it is true or not. Could be or could not be. Good luck there.


If you are pretty sure it's true, it could be the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Take it gently and be prepared to have little in common.


Contact her, what have you got to lose? There is no magic formula that will guarantee anything, just do it . . . . life has no guarantees. My bet is she would be very pleased to find out that there is a real, authentic parent in the world for her.

THHA Level 7 June 29, 2019

Carefully and gently

bobwjr Level 10 June 29, 2019

That is a good question. Has she recently been looking for you or information about her biological parents? If not I think I would start with how you learned this. Not sure, but was only thing I could think of.

I think email might be best so she can think it over without being ok n the spot and not sure what to say. I am sure you will do well with this.

@sloryd I actually think it is kind of exciting

@sloryd I assume it will go well.

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