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An interesting conflict resolution flowchart

(for people like me, who have poor relationship skills)

PBuck0145 7 July 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I have teenage students during the school year and I kinda do a "g" rated version of this all too often, lol.


Excellent article. I was almost tempted to sign up for the ebook but then thought about me being in a romantic relationship would be like God really existed.


Blunt and hilarious!

"The other option is to tell them to f-ck off. Which is what I wholeheartedly recommend."

"Basically, if the motivating force of the conflict is, “Oh yeah? I’ll show you!” then you’re trying to prove something. And that’s not good.

"Congratulations, you are officially codependent.

“Whaaa?! But they’re the asshole!” I hear you say.

"Let me explain."

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