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It has now been put to me that it is wrong to post the same article in multiple groups.

People join different groups for different purposes unless they are simply point whores wanting to be top point scorers.

It has been proven by others that multi-group postings elicit views from different people who would not have seen the post if it had not been posted in their group and because the reader has a different interest as evidenced by their membership of the group are likely to give response based upon a different viewpoint.
Is this wrong or simply giving extended benefit to fellow members?

Is this someone else's delusion, stupidity or are they simply trying more gaslighting on me?


FrayedBear 9 July 2

Enjoy being online again!

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People do object to cross posting yes, but when it is done as you say for point whoring, however if a post has relevance to say two or three specific groups, say in my case some thing that relates to spirituality generally and Mormonism specifically I will post versions in two groups, or pages and see nothing wrong with it.

Quite agree. The detractors are simply those with cognitive dissonance, lack of logic, the gaslighters or are trolls imo.


You carry on. You always have something interesting to share so why not post around. I always ignore posts I’m not interested in and I am sure others do to.

Don’t see the problem unless others have some undefinable problem that may require therapy or medication.

And at level 9 I am pretty convinced your whoring days are finished!

Thanks Geoffrey. As I have never whored - points or otherwise your comment gives me pause for thought - Q. Is that what I have being doing incorrectly with my life?


I tend myself not to do it much, but if I have something really good to share which I think both groups will enjoy then yes I do it. For example if there is an interesting shot of the garden, which is also an interesting photo, why not post it in both the Photography and the Gardening groups. In any case there used to be a short cut/sharing button, ( or some such device, I always copy and paste anyway, ) to help you do it.

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