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Why I post news articles. Because when I post them at Facebook, no one answers them. No opinions there. Maybe they're too afraid that god will punish them. People here are opinionated and not afraid to let you know it. I like that. It's good interaction for an introvert. Also I won't get anyone telling me to believe and have faith in god and creating an unnecessary debate. I don't believe that the majority of conversations should be about religion or the dislike of it. Most of us pretty much feel the same about it. I feel comfortable and unfettered here. That's something to look forward to each day and it makes me smile. Smile with me.

IAJO163 8 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I go through stages. Most of my people where I live are very Republican. A few will post some awful stuff from Fox News and other extreme right wing news sources about Democrats. I listen until I can’t take it then I post anti trump and a take down of his lies on their pages. I’ve lost many friends in the last year but figure we must not have been friends to begin with. But I have found that if I want to discuss what’s happening in the USA Today, I have to come here. I have no one with whom I can talk here.


Yeah most of us feel the same way

bobwjr Level 10 July 4, 2019

I agree. One of my closest friends told me that she disliked politics posted on FB, and said like a bumper sticker on your car. .I have lots who keep it all about family. She is an attorney and very liberal. I told her not posting things is like saying the shit fhat is going on in the news is no big deal.

So I to love being here where views are openly disgussed.

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