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Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested and charged with sex trafficking minors.
He appears in federal court on Monday.

Drip, drip, drip.
I bet 45 is shitting bricks.

KKGator 9 July 6

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People with a lot of money . Well . The laws are made by them and are to be broken by them . My father used to say , justice is like a spider web . Big fat insects even if get caught , they will break through and poof! Small non importante flies will be caught and become food .

Justice finds a way.

@KKGator I am hoping . But man , very dissapointed so far 🙁

@Pralina1 Just remember what happened to Jeffrey Dahmer in prison.
Justice takes many different forms.

Very prophetic


45 is of the opinion he is omnipotent in intelligence & untouchable for any crime as long as he is cloaked in the mantle of presidency. He is gloating, not shitting. Considering he has said he will violate term limits of the office, he is fearless in his stupidity & cupidity.


My prediction is he will get a substantial sentance just because of the public attention, be sent to a cushy white collar "prison", and then quietly pardoned in 6 months or so.

I sure hope not.

I sure hope not but if trump pardons him not much anyone can do. 😟

@KKGator I hope I am wrong!

@silverotter11 very true!

@Donna_I Epstein cannot be pardoned on State charges. Neither can 45.
Presidential pardons only apply to federal charges.

@KKGator Did anyone hear my yuge sigh of relief?

@KKGator doesn't the governor have that power for state charges?

@Donna_I Yes, and there's no way in hell Cuomo would EVER pardon Epstein or 45.

@KKGator oh I thought he was still being charged in Florida.

@Donna_I He was arrested at Teterboro Airport, in New Jersey, on FEDERAL charges. The charges are currently sealed, but he appears in court tomorrow.
That's when the charges will be made public.


There is a lot of really evil ugly shit happening in the world. The more money the people who subscribe to this evil the more the little people either know nothing about it or are in denial about it's existence. It was investigative reporting that exposed how Epstein got off with a slap on the wrist. That the man who engineered the slap on the wrist now is trump's secretary of labor is disgusting.
trump is literally the culmination of years of planning by the wealthiest people in the world. Just getting rid of trump will not end this corruption many of the elected officials in congress and the senate are bought and paid for so I'm not very optimistic. I am glad he was arrested, I'll just have to wait and see what happens.


Jeffrey Epstein is a disgusting human being....whose immense wealth has insulated him from the laws that apply to everyone else. I'm hoping his luck has finally run out. Of course, tRump will pardon him....he has an affinity for the truly heinous.

I love u !


Pardon anyone ?


Birds of a feather

bobwjr Level 10 July 7, 2019

He was arrested for sex trafficking underage girls. Epstein and Trump both are very fond of sex with underage girls, and Epstein is a class 3 convicted sex offender.

Yeah, and the Miami DA who got Epstein his deal, only having to serve 13 months, is now 45's Secretary of Labor.

@KKGator 😱 No shit ! 🤮

@AnonySchmoose Yep.
Alexander Acosta. The case was brought up during his confirmation hearing, but the republicans confirmed him anyway

@AnonySchmoose Indeed.

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