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Cockys having lunch in Canberra

Jolanta 9 July 11

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Cockatoos. Its funny that you refer them as "cockys". Lol

t1nick Level 8 July 11, 2019

That's how we refer to them in Australia.


Chickens ?

Cockatoos. They do look big though

@MsDemeanour hugest cockatoos I ever saw, I too thought they were chickens, and Big chickens at that! (Grew up on a farm, know chickens!)

@MsDemeanour Do they taste like chicken ?

@MsDemeanour They are big, and there are thousands of them in Canberra alone. Farmers don't like them as they eat their crops.

@MsDemeanour, @Besalbub We don't eat them. They are beautiful looking birds.

@Jolanta Maybe the farmers should eat them .

@Besalbub I think we should all eat them. There are thousands of them just flying around.

@Besalbub Bite your tongue. I'm vegetarian. Australians refer to chickens only when they're at the supermarket or on your plate. Otherwise known as 'chooks'.

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