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If money was not thought of or deleted from the societies " star trek" think of what humanity could accomplish for the greater good of all mankind..animals and planet earth...if we stopped putting price tags on basic much healthier and intelligent would future generations evolve into?

Ravenwolfcasey 7 Nov 14

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Hmm perhaps? Would those with a propensity to overindulge in consuming food and drink, consume themselves into oblivion leaving the rest to evolve into superior humans? Possibly.



Lookup parecon and ressource based economy...

I already know about it


bartering....swapsies......its still gain and greed....survival of the one with most potatoes...They who has the magic fire starter will rule.

No cause all greedy scum wouldn't exist in the utopia I'm talking about


It's already happening, albeit slowly. We have intelligent machines that will do pretty much all the labor and thinking for us, meaning we won't have to work ever again as a species. We also have understood quantum mechanics to the point we are starting to replicate matter, When we can take any atom and turn it into another atom, we have Star Trek replicators. From there we will not need money as everything we want can easily be provided without anyone else so much as lifting a finger.

We already have this technology but it's vastly suppressed by the government and people that want to keep everything for themselves


There will always be trade and creates value. Some will always have more than others and crime will always exist.

As for Star Trek- Trade and gold pressed latinum.

Betty Level 8 Nov 14, 2017

I heard the phrase said that if it weren't for religions, our societies would be at least 1000 years more advanced. I don't know about 1000 but I do believe it would be a significant difference.

I think it's just natural for the barter system to evolve into a monetary system simply for convenience.

Why drag around a bunch of livestock to trade when you can just pass some gold coins back and forth?


That will come with technology, AI, automation. People are retarded and believe in conservative views and feel poverty and animalistic living is perfectly normal. But if people work together in the right way you can do it. A lot of people have done it already, forming corporations and societies of very high living standards. Just sadly people can't work together without the force of money in America.

argo Level 4 Nov 19, 2017
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