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trump's Obstructionist republican party and the new religious morality!

Witness who worked near Epstein's home once said, 'I often see Donald Trump' and 'loads of models'

" Writing yesterday about the apparent conspiracy of silence surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s well-known and sordid proclivities, New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg noted that many powerful men protected Epstein over the years, for reasons known only to them.

Goldberg mentioned journalist Vicky Ward, who had profiled Epstein in 2003 for Vanity Fair, and revealed that Ward had been struck by the number of people who knew about Epstein’s grotesque behavior but chose to downplay it:

Over the last couple of months, Ward told me, she’s started going through transcripts of the interviews about Epstein she did more than 16 years ago. “What is so amazing to me is how his entire social circle knew about this and just blithely overlooked it,” she said of his penchant for adolescents. While praising his charm, brilliance and generous donations to Harvard, those she spoke to, she said, “all mentioned the girls, as an aside.”

And who was, by his own admission, part of Epstein’s social circle? That’s right — Donald J. Trump.

In fact, right around the time Ward was writing for Vanity Fair, Trump called Epstein a “terrific guy” who “likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

But even more striking was this tidbit:

In 2000, a porter who worked next door to Epstein’s Manhattan home told a British newspaper, admiringly, “I often see Donald Trump and there are loads of models coming and going, mostly at night. It’s amazing.”

Of course, when asked about Epstein earlier today, Trump scurried away from the very bad man as if he were a cruciferous vegetable sans butter or ranch sauce, claiming, “I was not a fan of his, that I can tell you. I was not a fan of his.”

No? Well, history says otherwise, dipshit.

And you’re a fucking creep, Mr. Pr*sident. That I can tell you.

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" Two known sexual predators""**

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of-the-mountain 9 July 15

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bobwjr Level 10 July 25, 2019

45 may not have been a "fan" but perhaps he was a "client". We all know 45 has a thing for younger women & no one seems to remember 45 busting up into the teen USA contestants dressing room & the girls complaining how he kept popping in trying to catch them undressed.


Fing pervs. this could lead to the downfall of both.


They both should go to jail along with anyone else who had dealings with this dude, I don’t care what party they belong to.

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