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This was curiously interesting - angles I had never considered, religious and pro-choice: []

Allamanda 8 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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This country once had a strong religious left, who some credit with helping move us out of the great depression. They believed in "socialistic" ideas that some little Jew supposedly believed in and preached. Old school Jimmy Carter types.

@Allamanda long before my time too. My Dad was a big Franklin D. Roosevelt fan from those times. Extremely liberal for a WWII vet.


They need to drown out the right wing evangelist

bobwjr Level 10 July 16, 2019

Excellent read. They need to speak out loudly.

@Allamanda some of it is the media and who they choose to cover. Not as titillating.

@Allamanda agreed

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