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I am rather upset with Christianity in the USA. I was raised a Fundamentalist Christian and I studied for the ministry (Washington Bible College, 1965 to 1970), and at least I was taught that Jesus cared for the sick and downtrodden. Now Christians hate abortion and gay marriage, while they worship the wealthy, calling them the ‘Creators’; when I get depressed about this mess I get comfort by realizing that Alchemy has become Chemistry, Astrology has become Astronomy and some day Religion will become Philosophy.

DavidNoel 5 July 18

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The Black Cat Analogy



Paraphrasing Neil deGrasse Tyson: Religions were invented long ago when humankind knew nothing about how the world works. Religion provided the answer, “God did it”. But as science provides answers to the same old questions, religion must give way to science (not science give way to religion).

(Man's belief in) “God is an ever receding pocket of scientific ignorance.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist

That is really good, god begins where our knowledge ends.

@DavidNoel Right. That's called "The god of the gaps" (referring to our gap in knowlege). 😉


There's no doubt that the spirit, if it ever existed, is missing.

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