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I was thinking about this the other day which leads me to my question. If you have decided to not believe or follow any religion, what is the point in discussing it any further? I mean in discussing it, are you trying to clarify or justify your decision to yourself or others? Are you trying to convince people to not believe and why they shouldn't or are you just angry about something to do with religion and you can't move on or let it go for some reason? I like this sight for obvious and not so obvious reasons but I personally feel like it is a waste of time to discuss something deemed irrelevant in my humble opine. What say you?

MrNevermore 4 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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This site has many intelligent and erudite people to discuss with regardless of any religious or philosophical persuasion.

Right, wrong or indifferent is irrelevant. If you want someone to be like yourself, chances you are not sure who you are and require external verification.


I find the different stories of how people came to their stance to be interesting. I don't think anyone needs to justify or prove anything, and I tend to discount any "discussions" that appear to have an agenda that attempts to provide any sort of reasons why we are or are not what we say we are...

Most of those appear to be people showing off what they think is some sort of educational or theoretical blah blah...there is something on this site for everyone, so use that block button or that scroll bar to your own liking.


Yeah, I was just wondering. I myself choose not to discuss it because it doesn't pertain to my life. I was just wondering what the point in bringing it up as if it doesn't apply. Thank you.

@MrNevermore Perhaps the better point is to ignore or scroll past if it doesn't apply to us...we have no way of knowing why others do or say what they do and have no control over that...all we have is our own motivations and ability to control our own behavior. I get what you mean, though...people butting in to our personal lives is annoying and hard to ignore! πŸ™‚


I have nothing to say about religion, atheism, god culture. When i think about it, i see a grey scale- nothing in front of it, nothing behind it.
Sometimes I show somebody my tattoos and explain the stories behind them, but that s all.


Never liked the idea of having to explain to my children why their money had god graffiti on it.

The fact religious delusions continue to be injected into our national government and it’s policies.

The continuing religious war on Science.

The divisive nature of Religion.

The fact they show up at my door, or accost me in the street.

The fact US citizens must subsidize their religious buildings.

Atheist, I view organized religion as the most serious threat to world peace, human progress, and to the planet itself. Thus, I speak up ~

Varn Level 8 July 19, 2019

I hope you don't mind if I use this as my reply also Varn.πŸ˜‰

Agreed. Discussing the things you mentioned make sense to me and I actually feel the same way. There is no ulterior motive to my question. Just wondering where everyone is at. I speak up too so we're on the same page. Thanks for your reply.

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