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Good news for a change. I belong to a seniors club. We have had quite a number of members die over the last few months, most recently a pretty close friend. It has been “all bad news, all the time” lately. So, a few months ago, I mentioned to one of the men that I thought he and one of the women would be a really good match-up. So he started seeing her and they have been together for everything since then, and even started staying at each other’s house a few weeks ago. Yesterday, when our club president asked at the end of the meeting if anyone else had anything they wanted to talk about, he said, “yes, I have something” and he got down on his knee and proposed. A good day!

MissKathleen 9 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Why do guys get down on their knees to propose?
It feels sexist but not sure how.


How the heck did my other posting about Adamnd Eve appear in here? I was in the other section and it didn't show up!


Bad computer programming or I effed up somehow.


They were told to not eat of the tree of knowledge. That was the sin, they disobeyed. Before it got edited out, I was told that it used to say "What if they eat of the tree of life, and become gods such as we?". Has anyone else heard of that before?


Good job there! Take a bow for helping two people get together and share some happiness while they still can!


You've found your purpose in life. You're a natural matchmaker!

mischl Level 8 July 19, 2019

Cool 😎

bobwjr Level 10 July 19, 2019

How wonderful!

UUNJ Level 8 July 19, 2019
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