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This is a micro-post, an excerpt from a previous post, I am posting it because I want you to see that it is not as difficult as you think it is, if the fucking religitards can convince people of lies, why can't you convince people of the truth? Are you fucking mentally inferior to them? No! . . . . yea, I know that.
To someone who questioned the wisdom of debating a religitard:
You might be surprized. Most people do not understand the dynamics at work, and that is why they fail to prevail. How do the religitards convince people? The pound away at them, over and over again, and eventually, even though it is false as all getout, they often prevail. Flip it the other way, and it is the same story, except, the truth is in it. This is why we have so few people on the side of science, because people give up to easy. I should know. When I was in the Navy, and generally due to the fucked up way I was brought up at home, I was part of the religitard group, and, while I was in Europe, I had the good luck of crossing paths with a German guy, who had the good sense, logic, and persistance to debate me. While I was not convinced during the argument, after it, and after giving it thought, it changed my life direction . . . . You cannot wimp out on an argument with these religitards and expect any good to come from it. People often do not realize or even admit when they have lost an argument, it is a matter of pride, but after they are forced to try to think of ways to counter the arguments, and find they can't, they find themselves up shit creek without a paddle. You have to pound their asses hard with all the fucking thunderbolts you have, and believe me, if you hit them hard, their fucking wheels will be spinning.

THHA 7 July 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Ten out of ten for passion anyway. But part of the reason for being here for many people is because they won't give up. Never. There is however one small crumb of comfort, and that is that there is only one truth and it can be rediscovered as many times as you like, while every lie has to be a new invention, and that is why there are many religions but only one, (if varied) science.

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