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The Syrian Civil War, Yemen have disappeared from the headlines. These tragedies usually disappear because of the LATEST news story replaces and they become stagnant.

skeptic70 7 July 21

Enjoy being online again!

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there are millions of ppl who are now living miserable existences b/c of the policies of greedy scociopaths. but so long as the citizens of the countries of the perpetrators of this misery are not directly affected, they could not care less.


The news cycle simply does not give a rat's ass about anything but the ratings they get and when you have an rotting orange taking up most of the time everyday at least in the U.S. you have to dig for any other information you really want.
Most people have very limited attention spans.
I use an Android phone, a page-and-a-half are various news feeds worldwide if I don't find the information I looking for there I start asking more questions.


I almost never hear anything about these two issues any more, just something occasionally on some non-American sites.

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