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Are the grammar Nazis the ones that can't read this?

JesseBoren 7 July 25

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i just read right thru it at a normal speed. not sure if that's good or bad.


Writing and speaking clearly are important for success in life.


I find it hard to believe only 55% of people can read this.

Having said that, if anyone wrote to me this way, I would write them off!

Athena Level 8 July 25, 2019

It was easy to read actually. I was surprised how easy it was.

t1nick Level 8 July 25, 2019

I hate the term "Grammar Nazi." For one thing, people who are sticklers regarding what they consider important are nothing like Nazis, since Nazis are genocidal monsters, and the comparison justifiably insults them. I learned to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation when young because I recognized that a lack of it would define me through life. People would judge my intelligence, as well as my character, based upon my ability to communicate my thoughts. I also learned because I did not want people to misconstrue the meanings of the thoughts I wish to convey. Do I make the occasional error? Sometimes I do, when I am being lazy or sloppy. This happens because poor communication habits automatically indicate laziness and sloppiness. It tells the world that you do not find your fellow human beings worth the bother required to observe these simple rules, which are taught to most of us in elementary school. If you can't be bothered to communicate properly, isn't it rather hypocritical of you to expect others to struggle to understand you?

Deb57 Level 8 July 25, 2019


Exactly. Well said.

@maturin1919 I am more loveable than you know, but you're younger than my children. I'm afraid that would become a "thing" for me once the infatuation wore off. (wink!)



I love you tooooo!


Because I am dyslexic I often write like this anyway, so long as the first and last letter are in place the rest of the word can be in any order and still be completely legible.

Same here. Took me a couple words in to see it was purposely fucked up. But if you look at it it's designed to be readable to most.


Stop calling people "Grammar Nazis."

The correct names are "teachers" and "educated people."

stop taking life so seriously

degrees and the ability to follow language rules is a poor way to look for intelligent people, education is not what happens in most schools, you can learn far more on your own if you are motivated to actually learn instead of just wanting to acquire tools to help you climb a social ladder. this is exactly why the average people see the educated as arrogant elitists. They are


Use commas and periods. Run-on sentences like yours are a turnoff and difficult to read.

@LiterateHiker his general thesis is full of holes too.

And I can't stand grammar Nazis.😉


Stupid relying on brain interpretation

bobwjr Level 10 July 25, 2019

Um... Sure i can read it... But there is one or two misspelled words you might want to correct...


Grammar "Nazis" can read almost anything. And I prefer the term "Grammar Enthusiast", thank you very much. (And yeah, this is way old, and most people can read it.)

I'm aware it's old why does that seem to matter to you guys so much it will be around forever just like everything else on the internet my question about it is not olditsthefirsttimeIveeveraskedit


This is old.

As an excellent speller, I can easily read it. Don't want to reread it.


Yes...I can read it. Is that good or bad?

just thought it was funny is all. I like messing with people that anal, I knew it would piss them off

@JesseBoren tut.tut....winding us up? 😁

@Marionville I did put it the silly and funny category, not my fault if people take shit too seriously


Tihs is qtuie old but vrey vrey ientnrtseig nnoe the lses.

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