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The worst thing about the democratic presidential debates...

is the biased, propaganda machine that is CNN broadcasting. For that matter, every broadcasting news organization that exists today. CONTROLLING the message. That's all it is about. Give me a presidential debate where every candidate gets equal time to tell the American public about their platform. OMG, the bias is blatant!!!

Thanks for listening to me vent.

linxminx 8 July 31

Enjoy being online again!

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the plutocrats control the MSM. doesn't matter who gets elected--tweedldee or tweedledumb. the middle-class & below are totally screwed. even the professional class who think they are safe with their high standard of living are in for a rude awakening.


Just a beauty contest wait until the end

bobwjr Level 10 July 31, 2019

@linxminx once the crowd thins the real action takes place

@linxminx Me too. I really believe Trump is starting to effect my mental health.

@Sticks48 everyone

Where are the beauties? Lol

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