Four years ago my husband was diagnosed diabetic. At the advice of the research scientists Eat to Live by Dr Fuhrman, End of Diabetes by Dr Neal Barnard China Study by Dr s. Campbell for starters my spouse changed to a vegan diet. He totally reversed the diabetes within 4 weeks and has been medication free since that time. Studying these past few years I learned that no one has to ever have any of the lifestyle diseases that are killing people. This is no secret yet most people seem to be as oblivious as we were about it. Most of the volunteers we host from Work Away and Help X are atheist as well as vegan - wondering about this group. Most of those volunteers are university educated and age. Just sharing here. Since we educated ourselves about nutrition we wonder how we could have been so ignorant all our lives.
Food is medicine. Or at least it can be, when - as you found out - one learns how to eat better !
Congrats to your husband !
WE were totally ignorant to the health death sentence of eating animals and animal products, like most to the world maybe, ( ignorant is not stupid by far ) until my spouse developed diabetes. Our studies of nutrition these past 4 years has been illuminating, shocking, mouth-open awesome, how much we did not know. We are still students not masters, still learning and reading and then re reading but the results are that mouth -open awesome that I mentioned. I get so angry / disgusted each time another commercial for some new suicide pill medication is advertised on t v ( that is all the time ) now that I know that no one No One needs to be diabetic. I almost feel compelled to pass this on but I am only one person, Mrs John Q Nobody Special. Oprah was Somebody and when she announced this, she was sued by the Dairyman's Assoc high time. One of her representatives at the trial was a scientist we read Dr Gregor or was it Dr Klapper .
@FlaGoldenGirl The word is getting out, bit by bit. The present climate change crisis is pushing some to find alternatives. But there will always be those that choose to remain in the dark (like the religious), about why not eating animals needs to be a worldwide endeavor. Their choice - that we all ultimately pay for ...
I did a similar thing but with the keto diet blood sugar is normal without medication and my weight is dropping.
Please read the NIH scientists for your own health. Plant based nutrition is not a fad diet, find books DVD s very cheap on Amazon etd Eat to Live, End of Diabetes, books by Dr Neal Bernard of NIH, also Drs Campbell - The China Study. Once you have read and educated yourself, its a beyond words to say. I used to fall for trying different fad diets sometimes but no more now. Only angry to have been so ignorant ( not stupid - huge difference there ) most of my life. Gina
Digesting animal cadaver is not healthy for have been led down the trail of hunters and conquistadors....welcome to the trail of symbiosis....eating seeds has more usable protein than eating farting cows and worm infested pigs