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It's amazing how many talented artists Iceland has. Γ“lafur Arnalds' style reminds me of Bonobo a bit, especially "North Borders" album. Who likes electronic music? Do you have your favourite artists?

Bonobo's "North Borders" album:

Agnieszka 7 Aug 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I am so glad you posted about this. because I love Bonobo, ever since Terrapin. North Borders has to be hands down the best album from him yet. Was actually listening to it outside during my lunch today. I love Jets. πŸ™‚


artists? what did they paint. they sound pretty bland to me. i think a french musician (not artist) did similar but better than that 30+ yrs ago.

@Agnieszka ,
i should have said a french musician. but he had no instruments & it was all just done by computers. you could probably find him on google. i think i had one of his albums. he just did synthesized music.


I think the cold dark winters give them a lot of creative time ...seriously

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