Day three of 24 days of annual leave. Can't cope...going into work! Its boring being at home.
There was a bit on NPR last week about what we get from work. 4 s - there was stimulation, society, structure and story.
Oh my. I'm on day one of hopefully 14 days off (unless a last minute gig comes up) and I'm loving it. I can do whatever I want, play tourist, enjoy the museum, stroll the gardens, hit the beach, give my apartment a good cleaning, fix a few things, catch up on my bookkeeping and computer work, try out the new polarizer on my camera, so many things to do. I'm loving my staycation so far! I live for free time!
No cat? It's hard to be bored at home when you have a cat...
And hard to leave them because they are so darn entertaining!
Jeebus! I have a gazillion projects,tools & know-how, but threw my back here for the rest of your vacation, plenty of swimming in the pool, excellent meals, and beaches, museums, etc....
Its the north of England, cold wet and rainy!
@Amisja see? Fabulous vacation plus helping me! Get on a plane, girl!
Obviously you do not have chihuahuas at home.
Nope just a big old house that needs lots of work. Just can't be bothered.