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The right attitude.

Tomfoolery33 9 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Or "schedules are fake"

lerlo Level 8 Aug 15, 2019

I bed don't know what time it is.


I sleep when able, & it has nothing to do with a clock.

Good for you.

@Tomfoolery33 Forced to follow others rules for decades, when I am a born night person has totally screwed my sleep patterns, so now I'm older, I sleep when I can sleep.

@Lilac-Jade I've always been a night owl. Still am. I go to sleep around 2am every night and get up around 10.

@Tomfoolery33 I go to bed around 2 a.m., read a couple of chapters, & hopefully asleep by 4. Then I'm awake again at 6-7 or so, & can sometimes get back to sleep, but not always. I do stay in bed until 10....resting if nothing else.

My natural sleep pattern was from about 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. but school, jobs, etc., all screwed that, plus getting sh*t from parents who said I was delberately staying awake, when all I ever wanted to do was be like ''everyone'' else.

I have been formally diagnosed with sleep deprivation.

@Antidronefreeman I couldn't make it long on that little sleep. When I was young, maybe, but not now.


At last I have an excuse!!

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