Any, and All forms of "gun control" are reactionary attempts to disarm the Working Class. If that happened, only the Bourgeoisie, their police, and militarys would be armed. "Gun control" is a reactionary, and Anti-Working Class idea. Political power grows out the barrel of a gun. The Plutocrats, and their running dogs, would love nothing more, than to be free to plunder the World, without fear of resistance by the people they oppress. When we, the People, are armed, it at least makes them think twice!
As a gun owner, I am appalled. I am also appalled by the NRA, a radical fringe group that does NOT represent 90% of responsible gun owners in America, nor does it reflect the wishes of that vast and overwhelming majority.
And for the 30,000 Americans killed by automobiles, in the same time span, there were:
0 car laws
0 car reform laws
0 accountability
Keep in mind the US is a country of 320 million people. And there are always going to be people who abuse their rights. But that doesn't mean we abolish those rights for everybody else, because of abuse by the minority.
I do think you have missed the whole business around automobiles. After all one does need a licence, and yes car manufacturers have done a lot to make cars safer over the years, and as far as accountability that too has changed. If you run over someone and it is your fault you will be punished and very likely loose your licence. Maybe it is different for people from such a place as swampwater though.
Damn these people for catering to the extremists in our country,and for overlooking people in dire circumstances
There is no excuse for the GOP. . They are