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Doggo update/pic dump: Leon Redbone is getting so big! I went to see my parents dogs the other day and didn’t recognize one of them because of how much bigger mine has grown. He’s only 6 months old, and he’s able to pull open my cracked front door by grabbing his strap of bells hanging from it, go out on the porch to do his business, usually cleans his feet when he comes back in, and closes the door back on command. The past couple days he’s been nearly 100% reliable for this, even closing the door back without being asked or from other rooms sometimes.

I’ve put a lot of work into training him the past couple months, but I can’t believe how smart he is already. He loves to play the piano with me and sits in chairs like people. Last night he climbed up behind me on the back of the couch and laid his head across my shoulder like a mink stole to cuddle and watch Game of Thrones in the dark.

I sing this Fats Waller song, “Your Feets Too Big” to him all the time, as performed by his namesake here:

Wurlitzer 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Pretty adorable!


I have to admit I burst out with a bark of laughter (pun intended) at the pic of the both of you with gaping mouth idiotic grins! We can all use more of that brand of idiocy.

Best of all to the two of you, sounds like you both got lucky!

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