Don’t forget to take out the garbage. Been forgetting that for a few thousand years!
Stop ignoring all the suffering!
One of the main problems for theology is called theodisy. If god is all knowing, all loving, all powerful, then why is there so much suffering & injustice in the world. Why do good people get cancer & evil people become billionaires on Wall St.? Why have we seen industrial scale murder & maiming in wars in the last 100 years.
Perhaps "god" is not all knowing, or he,she,it is not all loving & just doesn't care, or he, she it is not all powerful & has to share power with the Devil. Or perhaps in the grand scheme of things "god" is beyond good & evil & just not involved with our petty concerns. An earthquake or tornedo come along & kill many people. From our petty human prespective, we call this bad, but they are just natural events that happen without concern for human beings.
Tevya sang in Fiddler on the Roof, "Would it hurt some vast eternal plan--if I were a wealthy man". Perhaps the universe really doesn't care about us, & if it squashes you like a bug or makes you fabulously wealthy--Same, Same
@Remiforce on the other hand, may e there are no Sky Kings and life is just random......