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Are atheists happier than theists? Why or why not?

philosophy_nerd 3 Mar 18

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I think atheists are happier because they generallyhae less or fewer false hopes.


Happiness, much like the choice between atheism and theism, is individualized. I have met insanely happy Christians and Buddhists, and insanely happy agnostics and atheists. I have also met miserable and bitter individuals on all points of the spectrum. I think the better question should be are you happier as an atheist or a theist?


Just speaking for myself, lack of guilt, knowing I am a good human because it's the right thing to do and blonde haired blue eyes Jesus pictures drive me crazy. Also not having a religion keeps me from having to force my ideals on others.


Yes and no, some aren't, some are.
Belief or disbelief are not big issues as far as happiness goes, I am as happy in my disbelief as other are in their belief, no more no less.


Mmmm a great question. I don't know. I have no concern with socially -constucted social or religious hierarchies. But I do love an good Mayan or Aztec tale of Creation. I feel there is more to be in communion with like the earth and others here and gone.I listen alot and am curious about the word atheist. Does it have to be one way or the other?


I think both can be equally happy. On one side, you have someone who is joyfully ignorant and the other side is someone who is happy because they don’t need someone to tell them how to be happy. As an atheist, I’m happy to know that this is my only shot at life and so I won’t have a second chance to be happy after I’m dead.


Yes, I think atheists are happier because they don't have to pretend to be something they're not. To me, this is very liberating. It's similar to when christians go to confession, then they get to do whatever the hell they want until their next confession.


I certainly became happier and more at peace once I gave up the struggle to continue to believe in magic/god/woo-woo. But I also sometimes wish I had the capacity to maintain the belief I used to have because in many ways life was easier then.


It's the question of the comforting lie vs the uncomfortable truth. The red pill, or the blue one? I know I, for one, would never be satisfied with a fantasy.

What is in between for everyday life and pleasure, investigation and the wonder of Mother Earth. My connection to my heritage and ancestors could be considered an uncomfortable lie?


How would you know?


No but we get to live in reality.

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