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Has anyone else researched the meaning and purpose of life? I believe that I have come close and am currently trying to disprove my theory because I don't like it. However after 4 years I have not succeeded once.

If you do know the meaning and purpose of life based on a scientific method around the engineering principle of input > process > output then by all means please comment on this and share your findings?

To all those who will ask "How do you know?" or say things like "you can't know, don't be so arrogant, etc." then please don't waste your time or mine.

This is only for the very very few individuals who have both the necessary memories, technical knowledge/understanding and logical mindset.

For those who want to comment what they believe to be the meaning and purpose of life then by all means do it. It is always good to get new data samples.

Lancer 7 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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The purpose of life is to give life purpose. And one gets to do that and control it and modify it and admire it, and that is wonderful.

That's a subjective purpose of life.

I was looking for the objective meaning and purpose of life


To laugh. Often and proudly.


Oops... Only answered the first part of your post. "How do I know?"

Quantum Physics... I don't know much about it. From what I read about it, it fits my Spiritual Model.
Alright, this may sound crazy and no proof, but it is proof to me.
I've been talking to God of the Universal and I ask for stupid things I want to experience in my life... and it happens. Stupid things like, I want to date women with fake boobs, foreign accents, or just recently divorced, or I want a Prius, etc. and it happens awhile later. Being appreciative, meditation, being in the Now with no hate, fear, judgement or resentment is the key.

You're right. That is key to finding the meaning and purpose of life


I was raised as a Buddhist (the ritual type, not spiritual... like the Catholics), then converted to Christianity when I was married and finally Spiritual after my divorce. The Christian answer is to serve God and God's will... which is so open ended and proves to be nothing more than just a tool to control the masses. "Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle made a lot of sense to me. The Purpose of Life is to experience life. There is no wrong or right choices, it just you choosing the path on how you want to experience life. In addition, it is not about separating the Pure Spirit from the Sinful Animal Body, like the Christian have you think. In the moment, in the Now, your body and Spirit is present and here. You have to go thru the Body to achieve enlightenment. You're here because a Spirit can not grow without the Body... pain, joy, success and failures... experiences. This answer is true for me. I hope you find your own path. Good Luck.

That was nice to read. Sorry to hear about the divorce.
Have a nice life

After the divorce I learned and grew more Spiritual and wiser. I learned to accept reality and not what I had hoped for, how to not judge and be an observer, how to overcome neediness, embrace being alone. I am enjoying my freedom and have learned a whole lot more from dating... like bipolarism, alcoholism (ex gf died from this), autism, neediness, autoimmune diseases, restless leg syndromes, addictions, golddiggers, strippers, girls that have to sleep with TV on vs with every single tiny LED lights off, bdsm, the definition of "Average" and "Athletic" is not standardized, "No" doesn't mean no most of the time, etc... If you are balance, you can experience life to the fullest and gain wisdom.


As per me..
I m a pure chance out of million failed sperm cells.
Meaning of life.. Is really nothing.. Just lead a peaceful one without hurting others. Be responsible.stay humble.
one day ur system will shutdown and u will don't even know anything after that.
So why do research a pure chance..


There is no meaning or purpose to life other than what YOU give it. This question is the same as "What is the meaning and purpose of the Sun?" It is a natural event and outcome from matter and time. Humans have become self-aware and from evolution our curiousity seems to have helped us survive, but our curiousity also wants the answer to any question we pose, and that question was created long before science was. That question's answer comes from you, not from anyone else.

If you want a purpose to your life - make one. The meaning of your life derives from what you do. If you want to live like most other animals (sleep, eat, procreate, repeat) then do that, instead. Easy peasy.

It's a lot more complex than that. You've stated the perfect meaning and purpose of life for an individual. However I (although i didn't make it clear) was asking for the objective meaning and purpose of life. One relies on individual decisions and the other does not.

No, it isn't more complex than that. There is no "meaning" or "purpose". "Meaning" and "purpose" are human constructs and life is independent from human existance. Logically it follows that if you are looking for human concepts in a non-human construct, the value you find is only what you assign. Your asking for an "objective purpose of life" is non-sensical. Please don't reply; you'll only be wasting your time after you have shown by all your replies to this and other replies that you are just looking for attention, or a means to boost your points on this site quickly. Thanks.


Man is the only animal that needs a meaning or purpose. Additionally, man is the only animal that defines meaning and purpose. So perhaps the meaning and purpose of man is to give meaning and purpose to the universe.

Nice sentiment but it's not really true.


Honestly, I don't think there is any objective purpose. I kinda like quoting the Rush song "Roll the Bones" when it comes to stuff like this. "Why are we here? Because we're here. Why does it happen? Because it happens."

My reasoning for this is that- as far as I know, anyway- there's no evidence that Nature or The Universe itself has a conscience. It doesn't act purposefully. It doesn't set goals to accomplish or duties to carry out. It just...does things.

As far as I know, the Universe either came from nothing or it has just always been here (I kinda lean towards coming from nothing, but I'm far from certain). So it's not like there was any external thought placed into the universe's creation. It just...happened. And it continues to just happen.

I think that meaning and purpose is something only creatures like humans contemplate. In other words, it's a concept unique to us that simply doesn't apply to non-human things. I don't even think it applies to us, even- just because we think about purpose doesn't mean that we have one. We evolved from random natural selection, same as all other living things. Evolution, like the rest of the universe l, has no purpose- it just is and does.

That's my thoughts on meaning and purpose, anyway. Take it or leave it as you so desire 🙂

I like your idea but it's not completely accurate. It's more philosophical than it is scientific

I think you should read my statements more closely. It seems to me we are in raging agreement.

Fair enough, Lancer. Makes sense. Truth be told, that's just my intellectual, theoretical understanding of the universe's purpose. In practice on a day to day basis, I truthfully don't know, and I honestly don't care overly much. My life's hectic enough without having to sort out the universe's business, too. I do like to think about it theoretically from time to time, but most times I don't get much into it. I figure that I pretty much do what seems right given the current moment- knowing the purpose of the universe probably wouldn't change that for me. I appreciate looking at your thoughts on the subject, don't get me wrong. It is pretty interesting. I just mean to say at the end of the day, for me it doesn't matter one way or the other. I have my ideas, but I don't cling to them adamantly. I just live my life through 'till the abdolute final second.

I mean, I agree with ya Normanbites, but I'm just a simple farmer boy XD

Guys, I really do appreciate the comments that everyone has made, even though it might seem like I come off as arrogant or egotistical. I'm really just curious to see other peoples thoughts and compare them to mine.

I am taking on board everything that everyone says and I like to exchange intellectual ideas with intelligent people, which is why I signed up for this website. Well that and I can be somewhat anonymous.


I propose that the a priori rendering of Natural Intelligence and Order is to it has...human cognition being an extension of it: progress expanding...having led to Artificial Intelligence, too. In the chronological sense, then, I believe we are just a stepping stone, as were other systems but that random revolution for the sake of complexity, Life (organic and inorganic matter) meaning. Reconstitution might be the only option as a matter of its own survival. Because if energy could not be transported across space, creating time...then all of everything would stop.

You make some interesting points however you lack logical structure in your comment.

I'd give you 1/100 however you did mention something extremely close to the final answer. The only problem is your lack of working out. Good try.


The purpose of life is to perpetuate the species and to survive. This is true for all organisms. We and perhaps a few other animals have developed the capacity to consider abstract ideas and as a result seek purpose outside of the biological imperative.

50% for the purpose. Your answer is almost as correct as it could be.

However you haven't stated the meaning as in how we achieve this purpose and how it relates to the universe.

So total score is 5/100

First, 'meaning' is a human construct that is subject to an individual's interactions with his/her world. That would indicate to me that the number of differing 'meanings' one would get would likely be equivalent to the number of the sample. The only importance I can see with this line of questioning is in a philosophical game. I could be wrong, of course.

Because 'meaning' is subjective and nonphysical, it displays no effect on the universe, thus it doesn't relate.

You realize, of course, that the true meaning of everything, including the universe, is 42. That is, if we are to trust Deep Thought.


Cosmically speaking there is no meaning or purpose to life. Per evolution, the purpose of life is to survive long enough to procreate. As an individual, I find my own purpose and meaning.

You've fallen for the most common mistake there is. You've confused THE meaning and purpose of life with YOUR meaning and purpose of life.

You're correct about procreation but you lack significant information which is required to answer the question


Lancer: I was not trying to answer your specific question; and your scoring means nothing. The point I was making is that there is no "universal" meaning and purpose to life--it just is. And, as thinking beings we are capable of giving it meaning in purpose--and that is the ONLY place it comes from. Your quest, I am sorry, is a fool's errand.


To reply to your reply Lancer, this sticks in my craw: quote - "This is only for the very very few individuals who have both the necessary memories, technical knowledge/understanding and logical mindset. ". Then you give someone a 2 out of 100 for their remark. Who made you judge and jury on the subject? I will engage no further; I've made my point.

Moving on...

I've been researching this topic for years. So naturally I would have deduced why I was able to come up with a significantly accurate answer. I broke down the process of finding the answer and I was able to find out what the requirements were for people wanting to find it.

Unfortunately the main reasons people don't find it is because they

  1. don't have the necessary background knowledge
  2. lack the required experiences
  3. Mainly the people who want to find the answer just end up committing suicide.

Also I'm not judging. I'm comparing. I stated I had 30/100 so why is it wrong to compare my answer to others? Are you in favour of abandoning cross checking answers? Do you not like the sharing of ideas? Are you against progressive sharing of thoughts and free speech?

I know you're probably not. I'm just making a point. If someone has researched a topic more than you then odds are that they would have more knowledge than you in that subject.

Also I'm sorry you feel that you need to remove yourself from this discussion. I would hope that you'd want to learn more about this topic. I know I do.

But I realise that we are all different. Have a nice day.


the meaning of life doesn't exist . the purpose of life is to help those around you enjoy a good or better life !

Nice sentiment. No logic or engineering method applied.



You posture yourself as an egoic elitist. Get off your high horse.

I never claimed to know the meaning and purpose of life. I stated clearly that I am researching it. I have no ego, who am I trying to impress?

To say I am on a high horse is to accuse me of arrogance. Is it arrogant to claim to know 30% of an answer? Last time I checked 30% was a fail.

Also don't take this too personally. I have no specific quarrel with you as an Individual. I am merely deconstructing and destroying your argument.


I spent a number of years experimenting with hallucinogens so take this with a grain of salt or a sugar cube if preferred.

  1. There is always going to be something in the universe that we are incapable of understanding. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to learn how to comprehend that.

  2. Say there is one cell. That cell takes in as much information it can until eventually, it reaches capacity. It then experiences mitosis, it splits into two daughter cells which now have the capacity to learn more information until they reach capacity and experience mitosis themselves. Eventually, you have a baby.

  3. A baby, a human being is essentially, a cell. As it traverses its lifespan, it takes in all kinds of information and learns from it whether it wants to or not. Don't put a penny in a light socket, don't stick your hand on the hot stove, 2+2=4, Abraham Lincoln freed the slave., This is how you ride a bike, this is how it feels when you fall, this is how you get up and try again. Anger, Love, Hate, Hunger, Greed, Jealousy, Lust, Joy, Grief, Despair, Luck, Disappointment, Confusion.... We learn about ourselves, each other, our experiences and our very natures themselves both individually and collectively. Meanwhile, the cells in our bodies store all this information. The information that our ancestors learned throughout the ages that we have since forgotten is locked in our bones and blood, we just haven't learned how to tap into it yet.

The purpose of life, is to learn as much as we can and pass it on. We don't have a choice in that duty either. It's innate, we can't control the impulse to learn. If one embraces this concept, they'd realize that the answers to any and all the questions one might ask, fall into place on their own.

Very good. 7/100

I'm very impressed with your logical reasoning and hypothesis. Your open minded attitude is also a rarity which I am ecstatic to see in an individual. I mean no disrespect, you may one of the very few people who could answer this question. I really do wish you all the best and thank you very much for your contribution.

On a physiological basis, the purpose of life is to survive and reproduce. On an intellectual basis, the purpose of life is to learn and grow the collective knowledge of the collective know as human knowledge, on an emotional level, it is to love and be loved. On a spiritual level, I have no idea.


I have to say, seldom have I been impressed by the words of a blogger; although, you may not regard yourself as such. Our purpose is to reproduce, fix what is broken, learn to control reality, and love all existence. The meaning of life may be a joke to the readers of Douglas Adams, but I regard it a serious matter. One worthy to spend way more time on over Pasta Primavera con Pollo. If that proves inadequate, I am more than willing to offer years of making your life the heaven it ought to be.


Theory...Our planet is teeming with DNA, the building blocks of life. Life has evolved from microscopic organisms and species that could not adapt have gone extinct and new species evolve. If we do not destroy our planet we too will eventually 1: go extinct, 2: evolve into a new species to adapt to the changing environment, climate, and terrain.

The meaning of life is to continue life unless we destroy it.

Betty Level 8 Nov 16, 2017

2/100. Your conclusion is good and your reasoning is good.

I think you have the general idea however you have restricted yourself slightly in your answer.

It is true that 1 of 2 options that you stated have the possibility to occur. However you merely described the course that life will eventually take, you didn't say why it does these 2 things.

Your example is spot on, 100% for that however instead of answering the main question I believe you may have just provided an example.

I mean no disrespect. Have a nice day


Are you sure you're asking the right question?

I think it's a bit vague.

You will likely never know exactly what it is like to be any other form of life, even another human, unless occult stuff gets you somewhere, maybe, you know...

What would the answer solve, though?

Don't you just want to know what you should do?

Honestly i think the best answer i've heard in a nutshell is to 'be abundant and share in your bounty'.

See, that's complicated, though, because in order to bear fruit, you have to be in good soil, and unfortunately there isn't a lot of what you would call 'good soil' around these days, so again the short answer is to find a way to do the things you love to do in a harmonious manner, which will require you to surround yourself with encouraging factors and impeccable assistance, which, as i'm sure we all know, is quite the task, because it's always, what? Hard to find good help these days. So be wise, be brave, relax, get to work, don't let it slip, do it for you, all that shit, heh.

I am asking the right question. This isn't I robot (just a joke, no harm meant, I just like movie references sometimes).

The answer solves nothing, if anything it feels like more of a burden knowing the answer however I'm glad that I have it. It reduces my chances of dying and also of engaging in wasteful activities.

I know what I should do because I have the universal meaning and purpose of life. I have devoted my life to

  1. raising strong children and being a caring father
  2. re-discovering the meaning and purpose of life

As it currently stands, I will only ever be able to re-discover 50% of the meaning and purpose of life. At least for now. I'm working on increasing the probability of this.

Also as for your answer. It is perfect for an individual philosophy however I was hoping for an answer to what the objective universal meaning and purpose of life is. I know it wasn't very clear in the question but I did say to use a logical method.


This was solved many years ago the answer is 42.*

*see hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

seen it. also wrong answer. I literally asked a philosopher the exact same question and he gave the answer you did

I think you miss the point of "42". To think there is one purpose in life that can be expressed in "25 words or less" is naive. Let me try again - go to Richard Bach's book Illusion, chapter 8. The question is worded slightly different, but it is the same - "Why Are You Here?" Watch a movie and eat a cheeseburger with Richard and Don and you may see that each of the billions of people we share this word with lives in a universe of their own and that there are as many answers to "Why Are You Here" or "what is the purpose of/in life" as there are people. Even if you think you are on the same path as someone else, your place on that path determines what "YOUR" purpose is. No two universes are the same.

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