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Aha! It's not mental illness they're all just congested...

lerlo 8 Aug 28

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Sad state of affairs

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 29, 2019

I think the meme is funny because in many states it is easier to buy dangerous guns that shoot many people very quickly than it is to buy antihistamines that can be used to make meth. It is also even funnier because meth users often become very violent which makes the meme offer a double whammy.

I am saddened by the fact that people who interpret the Second Amendment differently than I do use every opportunity to show they are right because guns seem more important to them than anything else in the world.


I'm not sure if the point of this is to undercut the dangers of meth or exaggerate the ease of gun purchases from... drug stores...where you are buying 7 at a time...


I rely on pseudoephedrine. I have really bad allergies and sinus problems. Every month I go through great difficulty even though I have a prescription for it. Walgreens has trouble getting the quantity I need so sometimes I must buy it over the counter. Let's just treat people who are addicted to meth and let everyone buy pseudoephedrine without any hassles. Those addicted to meth who don't want treatment, well it's their body.




To be fair meth is a really big problem too..

MsAl Level 8 Aug 28, 2019

If it was fair assault rifles would be regulated too 😁

@Bobsuruncle and have you counted how much of that tax is collected at gun shows? Last I checked PROHIBITION of buying something like sudafed is slightly different than a $200 tax.

@Bobsuruncle not collected at gun shows and "generally"... perfect regulation

@lerlo Its not really a prohabition, you just can't buy large amounts at once. It seems reasonable to me. Its highly abused and it's not neccesary to have bulk amounts for their legal intended use.

To be clear I think assult rifles and any other high power fast firing firearms should actually be prohibited. These are not necesarry for legal intended use to defend yourself from immediate danger or hunt.

@MsAl Unfortunately, having prosecuted drug cases for 5 years, you just go to enough stores and buy the quantity you need.

@Bobsuruncle I was just saing there is no prohibition on Sudafed because you seemed to be saying there is. Turns out I was responding to the wrong person that was @lerlo. I do appologize.

The second ammendment open for interpretation and certainly did not say anything about assult rifles. Its only interpreted the way it is because of massive amounts of fraudulent money going into the politics of it.

@lerlo yes but it makes it harder. Unfortunately the presription ones got overpromoted and pushed right in there to cause a whole similar problem just as big.


I only buy my assault rifles in six packs.🤫

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