**Update: When I went to check on it, the poor thing was no longer breathing. I tried CPR, but it did not work. I buried it under the tree in our front yard.
As for the nest, I found it along with another baby bunny that was too far gone to attempt to rescue. The wildlife specialist said that rabbits repeat their nesting area. I hope it does not nest there again because my dogs will probably get it every time.
Around 4:20am my friend and I discovered this poor baby on my bed tonight, while I was going to make it. The dog had to have brought it in. It is so tiny (around 4 inches), I didn’t even see it until my friend asked what was on my bed. The first four pictures are from after I cleaned it off. After speaking to the wildlife specialist for about 30 minutes, I got this sweet baby situated on some heated rice. (Pictured) She says it is best to keep it in a warm, quiet, and dark space right now so it is now in the exercise room with the lights off and a blanket covering its box to keep the vent from blowing cold air on it. There are big gaps on both sides of the box to keep the air flow coming through. She says it’s gasping for air shows it is in respiratory distress. I will be checking in every 45 minutes or more to check on its breathing and to reheat the rice. Now off to let the dogs out to try and locate the nest. I hope there are no more injured babies out there.. I’m staying in contact with a Pontotoc County Wildlife Care team member until they can pick it up. I am trying my hardest to keep this sweet bunny alive and comfortable until then.
When I lived in the keys I rescued many animals, or tried to.. My dog used to.kill possums. I the middle of one night I heard these little noises. There were baby possums scattered on my deck. with dead possum mom close by. my dog was crying and tapping his nose on one baby. I got them on and put them in a huge bowl with a cotton baby blanket I nuked a few seconds to warm it. They were not injured. at the time my daughter was a baby and I had a large supply of breast milk. so fed them with eye dropper. In the morning I called the my friend who gave me number to local rehabbed. She said they wouldnt make it that long, until zi told her I was feeding them.They all survived. What was cool is she was an elementary school teacher and wore them in a pouch hanging from her neck. She was famous among kids. She saved many baby possums that I delivered with only a few that didnt make it when they were really new pinkies. My then ex husband said if you start nursing possums, that's it- it over.
A,few times there wd ould be a baby still in the moms pocket. So I would check, waiting a bit to make sure she was dead. You really can't tell, or at least I couldn't.
@1EarthLovingGal I have often tried to save turtles and birds and a few other animals that didnt make it
It is undoubtedly in shock....if no internalized juriesitmay make a fantastic recovery.....hoping!
Good on you for trying your best. That's all you can do.
How sweet of you to try. Please do not be too upset if the baby does not make it. I have triedsaving many bunnies and have never succeeded.