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Well, yesterday was a rare occurrence! For the first time in over a year, I didn't post a single meme on MemesRUs! I spent all day working on my van with a friend, and when I got home the power was out. But I'm back today!

Tomfoolery33 9 Aug 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Will you be affected by that hurricane?

No. I'm way north of that, and a long way from the coast.

@Tomfoolery33 I wondered as our news reports said it may head north & even get as far as Canada's east coast.

I just had a look at the US map so I see you're away from the coast. I had forgotten just where W. Virginia was so had to look again.

@Lilac-Jade Plus, I'm on the extreme western side of West Virginia, next to the Ohio river.

@Tomfoolery33 Oh ok, good to know you're out of its way.


There must be a meme out there for a jonesing memer.

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