Not again!! Yet another mass shooting in Texas!
We must be outraged, throughout the world. If gun crime is perceived as normative behaviour then our sense of humanity is totally fucked!
To quote Jon Anderson in Tales From Topographic Oceans “where does reason stop and killing just take over”
Political will to address this barbarity is non-existence. Watch out for Don Prickhead to go out there and congratulate survivors.
We don’t need the last one out to turn out the light, is too dark now to see where the light switch is!
Rant over!
thats just part of life now
When death by mass shooting is "part of life" the world is in a sorry state.
@Petter look around you
@LeighShelton I daren't.
@Petter i have selective sight too for my sanity
That’s Exactly what the gun-clingers want to hear! I remember when it was assumed that ‘Hijacking’ was simply a risk of flying. Then something got done. Something needs done ~
@Varn whe this shit happens, gun sales go up . this suits beautifully the people in power who really don't give a flying fuck about the common man. i don't live there but its just a fact that its part of living in America and nothing to do with what i think.
@LeighShelton It remains ‘a fact’ because nothing’s been/ being done. And when ‘the world’ is adequately desensitized, viewing it ‘as normal,’ nothing will be done..
@Varn correct