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I call myself agnostic for a few reasons.

I'm scientifically minded and believe that we must first figure out things scientifically first. This is no way of really knowing anything without science.

When science does not have an answer it does not mean the unknowable is not a possibility though!. It is a mistake to discount the unknowable. Not knowing is OK.

Yet to actually believe without question unknowable things, is a mistake. That is black and white un-nuanced limited way thinking. It's perfectly OK to be open minded and say it's possible or even outlandish things, but to say this is what I believe in, this is real, without any evidence... is a mistake, even arrogant I think.

I've had people I trust say they have seen ghosts. There are many things that people claim... and perhaps some are based on reality even though no one has proven it.

Agnostic is perhaps in the truest sense having a nuanced mind. One is able to appreciate the gray areas of thinking, because I believe too many people think in extremes, black or white, right or wrong which I think comes from an immature or lazy mind. We must be thinking, passionate and feeling people for us to live this existence more fully and more blissfully.

Voodoobike 3 Mar 19

Enjoy being online again!

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When I was 8 years old and living in the coastal area of North Carolina, it rained tiny frogs that still had part of their tadpole tales. My mother witnessed this, as well, so if this was a hallucination, we both shared it. I believe in science and logical thinking, yet even now I cannot find any scientific explanation, or even hypothisis, for this phenomenon. I have accepted this event as a beautiful "unknowable" occurence, but it still bugs the shit out of me. How does it rain frogs?!!


So, you mention ghosts and how they might be based on reality though haven't been proven to exist, suggesting an agnostic view on that. Well, what about leprechauns, dragons, fairies, visitors from other dimensions, aliens amongst us, and so on, that have neither been proven or disproven by science. For consistency, don't you have to be equally agnostic about these and anything else not definitively disproved by science, just as God or Gods haven't? And by the way, the great Bertrand Russell wrote highly regarded essays on atheism compared to agnosticism, was an atheist himself, and I don't think anyone would seriously suggest he didn't have 'a nuanced mind'.


Idont call myself anything but agnostic will do for now.


Thank you. A very well stated expression of reasons for agnosticism.


Hi I really like your post and I kind of by relate to that too except I'll go step further and I'll go anti theist agnostic and maybe so you know I definitely claim to have no answers but I'm pretty sure whatever religion you got going on this world is a detriment although a lot of good things come out of it awful lot more bad

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