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‪military children are going to be hurt because of the nut’s border wall! Why can’t the senate and house stop it! According to the constitution they have the power!‬

Charliesey 7 Sep 6

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So much of the country is hypnotized by Fox "news" and the right-wing mediasphere, every step toward impeachment will be met with a death-struggle level of noise, lies, and other outrage from the Trumpists. The Democrats are entering a minefield, but they MUST get across that minefield.


Mitch McConnell.


It's not going to a border wall any more than the money he's already received for the wall. He's doing what he's always done with his businesses: siphoning off every penny he can before bankrupting the country and walking away unscathed.


But apparently the Senate majority leader has more power than anyone.

Sadly, he's been the puppet master for a very long time ...

But they are also acting cowardly.


I'm really more worried about the Guatemalan kids in this case. He's not building his wall. He needs to be battling. He needs something his side can be rabid over. The wall and thinly veiled racism works. He is destroying environmental protections and packing the courts with trump supporters among other things while we all fight about it though.

MsAl Level 8 Sep 6, 2019

Also through eminent domain he is taking farms and homes from people.

@Charliesey Im pretty sure it hasn't happened much. He does like to say stuff like that to make a scene. I'm no fan.

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